Servicio Andaluz de Salud

The Andalusian Health Service (SAS) is the public agency responsible for healthcare provision in Andalusia through a network of integrated healthcare facilities: 1,512 primary care centres, 49 hospitals, 16 Health Management areas and more than 120,000 employees distributed throughout Andalusia. The wide range of health public services provided include from preventive and public health activities to highly specialized services. A network connecting primary and hospital provides comprehensive care including health promotion, prevention, diagnostic and treatment to keep or recover health.  Within SAS, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital (HUVR), located in Seville, is the reference healthcare provider in Andalucía and one of the largest hospitals in Spain. The Digestive Diseases Department at the HUVR is a leading facility for the treatment of GI & liver diseases in Spain, serving a population of 650.000 to two million citizens depending on the process. Within the HUVR campus, the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS) hosts state-of-the-art facilities and supports fundamental research at the molecular, cellular, and translational level to promote the rapid transfer of knowledge to the clinical setting. The “SeLiver group” (Clinical and Translational Research in Liver and Digestive Diseases), affiliated to HUVR and IBiS, works in two complementary areas: (i) the improvement of precision medicine, with special emphasis on the discovery of predictive biomarkers of efficacy and prognosis in different hepatic diseases; and (ii) the identification and characterization of novel therapeutic targets to address liver diseases.

Role in the project

SAS is leading WP4 on Biomarkers and is responsible for deliverables D4.1, D4.2, D4.5, D4.7, D4.9, D4.13, D4.14, D4.17, D4.18 and D4.19. Additionally, SAS is the responsible CoE in Spain within the GRIP on MASH Screening Study (WP2), and will also be strongly involved in Personalized Lifestyle Advice in WP5.